My Story
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Yesterday was the best day of all. Meet up with all my old friends back in my god-mum's place. Was enjoying the wonderful moment as we talk a bit about the past and at the same time,having karaoke sessions. A lot of shocking news I've heard too. My god-parents are going to perform the Haj this December. So happy for them. Shocking and happy at the same time. Another shocking news. A good friend of mine who I know him since in secondary one in 1992, was finally found a partner. Wow! Shocking Wednesday.

But before all of that to happen, I went out much earlier yesterday. Left home at noon. I was so bored at home and went out to celebrate my god-sis birthday. Had a fun afternoon with them all. Really makes my day and I was shocked that one of them have a same birth date as me. That was the FIRST shocker. After spending good times during lunch together, all headed back home and so am I.

Reach home and I saw my third brother in my room meddling with my desktop. To my surprise, he did actually bought my dream hand phone. It was a Sony-Ericsson W980i. I was shocked. My dream hand phone and he got it first. I will get it soon though. Maybe during the Christmas festive season.

So many shocking news I have heard and saw it yesterday.

And today another one just came in. One after another. This shocking news was rather too personal for me too post it here. Once I'm done with it, I shall post it here to share with you guys out there.

I don't know whether I can handle the news on my own as I have already throw away all my bad habits. Bad habits like smoking and overdosing my medications. Now my depression is coming back and today is my training day. I don't know whether I can do well in my training. I have still to find my ace event yet.

Thinking of doing all my bad habits once again. Is it worth it?


Ps: My good friends, if you happen to read this blog, please help me. I don't want to be in my old self back.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
To all Muslims all over the world and all my Muslims friends, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.

Its been a week I've been celebrating the festive season and so far, its been smooth sailing. I've only travel to my aunt's place and that's all. Same old routine every year without fail. So far, didn't encounter my depression as much as before and the best part is that I've been kicking away my smoking habit for two weeks already.

Its been great actually although the cold turkeys I suffered at night and at times I do feel so stuffy within my own self. The best thing is that each time I do my own workout at home, I don't feel so tired like before. To my surprise, I can do even more than what I've expected. I don't want to stress myself too much on my weights training at home as I want to have a better performance during my training.

After the one week break during the Hari Raya celebration, I can feel that I can't do much. No doubt my stamina and endurance are slowly coming back, I can't perform well during my discus throw yesterday. Everything was haywire. I fumble alot and I was so frustrated. Slowly towards the end of my training, then I'm able to pick myself up again. Its was too late already. Guess I'll have a better chance on next week.

Now my training program is going to be four times a week on weekdays and rest on the weekends. Weekends. I hope I can manage through without any problems at all then. Just have to plan myself to keep myself busy on the weekends.

Tomorrow is my training day and been always looking forward to it. I'm really going to work hard for it as I heard its going to be tough for me for the later times to come and I have to prepare for it.


99 Pure Black Roses

Neuropathic Pains
Anxiety Attacks

To Stand On My Two Own Feet

Adik Ila


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
May 2009


Bawitdaba - Kid Rock
host by: blogger
Designer: wintermin

Please do not remove the credits :)