My Story
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wow!! How time flys. Its been 2 months that I've last update my blog.

Sorry bloghoppers. Just been busy with my training and some personal matters to deal with. Its been fun though training hard as my selection for the nationals is just less than 1 month. I'm pushing myself real hard this time because I don't wabt to disappoint all my friends and family members. I want to make them proud of me because I can do the impossible in which not much people like us dare to do it. All they can is just dream of it. As for me, I'll dream of it and I'll sweat, work hard, train hard and prove to others that I can be the best. The best that I can be.

Now my training schedule have been add 1 day to it so as to do gym training. Do weights. Been to the gym at the National Stadium and I feel so awkward at first because I'm the only disabled who do my training there. Never ever been to gym once and the feeling is really different. The people there just ignore me and do their stuffs. I just do as what my coach told me to do and at the same time, simply admire those gym-goers.

Well my training is going to get tougher day by day. I know its going to be hard but I do enjoy my training, especially under the hot sun! This may sounds crazy but indeed, I love the sun! Now that the weather is rather not so hot, I feel that my training workout is not as good as when the sun really blaze through me. That's when I can get easily warmed & pumped up and accomplish all my throw with a good distance.

That's all for today. Can't write much because I'm going to do my weights at home before my training starts so that I want to see some progress for today. Hope that I can please myself, the coach and my best team mate. He is the one who give me alot of guidance and teachings. Nonetheless, my coach too, he always give me the moral support and hope to live my dreams to become a paralympian.


99 Pure Black Roses

Neuropathic Pains
Anxiety Attacks

To Stand On My Two Own Feet

Adik Ila


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
May 2009


Bawitdaba - Kid Rock
host by: blogger
Designer: wintermin

Please do not remove the credits :)