My Story
Monday, April 14, 2008
Its been quite a while I update my blog.

Sorry bloghoppers. Just that I'm now being tied up with work & some other commitment. Too busy till I even don't have the time for my own self.

First of all, too busy with work.
Wow! At least there are some things to keep me busy at to let my mind off away from the problems & depression that I'm having. That's a good sign for me & now I feel more energetic & fresh at work although the work is keep on piling on me. I treat all this as something to keep myself busy all the time.

Now currently involve in sports. Great improvement to me after for a few years being inactive in sport. I've just join in the field events in shot putt, discus & javelin throw for the national paralympic team. I know that some people might ask why I involve in this kind of sports.

To tell you the truth, I'm a spinal cord injury survivor which left me paralyse from waist down since in December 2004. Its very hard for me to cope in this new 'body' of mine. Everywhere I go, I'm on a wheelchair.

3 years plus have past & I've able to adapt to this 'body' easily. After 3 months in 2004 & 2005 during the rehabilitation period, things seems to work out very well for me.

In 2005, it was the worst year of my life. Things doesn't seems to turn out right for me. My ex-girlfriend just left me without saying a single word. Suicide was always on my mind after that. I was so depress & sad because no one seems to know about my feelings & no one seems to care about me. Alot of problems came by after one & another. This makes me more depress as I'm the 1st child in the family & it seems to me that all the problems is resting on me. The only way to keep my mind off this problem is to sleep myself away.

Ever since 2005, I just hate the festive season. Really hate it. I don't know why. Till now, I have no answer for it.

Now its 2008. Seems to me that I everything is slowly back on track. I hope that this will go on till the day I lose my last breath. And now, I join the paralympic squad, it even makes me so happy. I hope to bring back some medals for the country & give inspirations to all new spinal cord injury survivors.

I always have this adidas wristband on me " impossible is nothing". This makes me stronger day by day. I hope those who are in same state as me, be greatful because its not the end of life. Its just that there an obstacle in front of you. Its the method of how you going to overcome it or just looking for another way out.

That's all about me.

I'll shall update you guys more on my training later in time.


99 Pure Black Roses

Neuropathic Pains
Anxiety Attacks

To Stand On My Two Own Feet

Adik Ila


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
May 2009


Bawitdaba - Kid Rock
host by: blogger
Designer: wintermin

Please do not remove the credits :)