My Story
Monday, February 25, 2008

Chelsea lose to Spurs 2-1 in a League Cup Final!!

I was so pissed off by my brothers teasing me over the text messages. I have no mood at all when reading those messages & further more, I was woken up by my nerve pains.

I was cranky in the morning. Cursing my pains & my surroundings. My mom was so used to it & just let it be. Quickly go for a shower & get myself ready to go to work. Then I realise that my handphone was at its lowest. Damn! Need to charge it right away. Out of a sudden, ZAPPPP!! I was eletrocuted for a few seconds! Damn!! It hurts. Lucky for me, I know how to react when this happens. I was cursing & swearing in front of my mum & brother. They know that now, I really in a bad mood. Quickly I left home & waited for my transport to come & fetch me up.

When at work, I told my friends about what happen to me this morning. They laughed at me & ask me that how come my hair is not spiky or alfro? Damn. I laughed at them & told them off that i was using a hair gel to keep it firm.

Later during the day, I was to do animation & get the examples for my colleagues. Oh my goodness, when I saw it, it was too difficult for me to do it because I was taught to do website using flash. Now, I have to do ecards. A lot of things to pick up & I manage to ask my colleague on how its all being made. Lucky for me, I manage to understand of what he is explaining because I was feeling a little bit drowsy & nearly fall asleep. Hahaha.

Then, I started to discuss it among my friends & decided to do it the next day because its about time to go back home. Hahaha. Saved by the bell.

Well.. That is all for today because its about time for me to knock off.


Saturday ( 23 Feb 2008 )

-Went to work for an extra class on how to deal with the designer software which was held by the a trainer. Indeed, I have a great time as the class proceed further. I realise that much function & shortcuts, I don't really use much & didn't even know about it. Now, we can do our work much efficient & faster with the tips that we got on that day.

Later on that day, I proceed back home because of my nerve pains is attacking me & I need to rest as soon as possible. Once reach home, I spent the entire evening sleeping because due to the medicines which makes me sleepy & drowsy. Till I woke the very next day.

Sunday ( 24 Feb 2008 )

-Woke up early as i thought that I was already late & had too much sleep. Had my breakfast & watch the tv. Nothing to watch & I suddenly fell asleep. Out of a sudden, I woke up in a shock! I heard myself snore! ( hahahaha.. still denies about it at times.. )

Then I realise it was noon & a good time for a nap for a moment till 3.45pm. My alarm clock goes off precisely at that time. Still too early to meet my friends at 5pm for a chingay show nearby. Snooze my alarm till 4.15pm. Woke up & quickly dash to change & go out to meet my friends at 5pm.

Upon reaching the meeting place, we quickly headed down to the place where we are all suppose to gather for the chingay event to start. At first, the crowd was still ok for me & able to chat & look around for any familiar faces around me. Later at around 7.30pm, people starting to fill up & the crowd is starting to get intense. But its ok for us all as we manage to get a good view to view the beautiful floats.

Time is about 10+pm, quickly headed home & have a very good nite rest for day. But then, I still thinking of who is the sweet young lady behind me. Oh man!! Till now, I can still hear the voice whenever she compliments about the floats. How I wish I can meet her again one day.

Thats all for my weekend.

I feel great & happy about it.

Hope to meet you soon..


Thursday, February 21, 2008
This one in which I'm facing is really too great for me to handle.

Two people facing their dilemmas & asking me for an opinion. Well one of them is a colleague of mine who is going for a major operation in 4 months time. He is too depress & scared of the side effects after the major operation. In the end, I have to gather the others who can give him avenues & opinion once he is back from home leave due to some personal reasons.

The other one involve a friend of mine who involves in a love triangle. Oh my goodness. This is the most challenging for me but I manage to tell her & let her think what is best for her. I hope she will make the right choice for her life partner. All the best to you.

That is all for today.

Seeing doubles now & can't even type properly.


Neuropathic pain

This type of pain is caused by a problem with one or more nerves themselves. There is often no 'injury' or tissue damage that triggers the pain. However, the function of the nerve is affected in a way that sends pain messages to the brain. Neuropathic pain is often described as burning, stabbing, shooting, aching, or like an 'electric-shock'.

This is what I'm been facing for the past 3 years plus. It is so painful & irritating & only God knows how it feels. It even causes depression & makes me so moody that I would even scold anyone who does irritate me ( just like pre-menstrual stress but much more painful than this ).

I'm glad that most of my close friends understand my situation well & did a wonderful job by joking around with me so that I can just forget about the pain. Because of this pain, I've lost most of my relationships & now its better not to think about it anymore because its better for me to get myself fully healed rather than to hurt someone that I loved.

I have always try not to take my medications till it comes to the worst situation because of its side effects. Drowsiness. That is what I hate most! Can't do a single thing when I come to that situation. Simply hate it.

Well that's all for today because I jux think much because I'm in a drowsy state now.

Till we meet again.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Ever since Monday, I'm starting to be very weak. Sleepy at times too. I don't know what is wrong with me & I ask my colleagues around & they say its normal because previously I used to sleep at around 2 to 3 am. I hope that is nothing wrong with me & hope that I can be back on my usual self.

At work, few colleagues of mine said that its good for me to have a good rest at home rather than coming to work. But I think otherwise. I will be bored to death if I were to stay at home & I don't do much actitivy at home. Only face the computer all day long & its making me really sick & tired with it.

Weekends will be around the corner & I really HATE the weekends. I prefer to go out but I don't know where should I go at times. The only way to past my times during the weekends is either to sleep or just play my XBOX 360. Just to past the time as quickly as possible so that I can see Monday soon.

That's about all. I shall update more of it later in time.


Monday, February 18, 2008
Today was kinda sleepy & tired. I was bored to because I need to finish up my work quickly as my supervisor wanted to see it ASAP. Get it done already & let me see my work. Seems to satisfied with it after he made some changes on it. PHEW!!! Well paid off. Still need to twick here & there to finalise it.

Once back home, I was feeling too sleepy already & I was thinking its the best time to have a good rest. Then I just remember. Change my blogskin because some people say its too plain. But its ok for me ( a good try for a starter ). Then I realise that the old skin kinda plain & dull. Time to make some changes. AT LAST!! The current skin ( cradle of filth ), oh gosh, its so cool & it really suits me & my personality well because i do listen to black metal songs & these guys are great!!!

Well.. Time for me to knock off to my coffin as I lay myself to rest.


Sunday, February 17, 2008
Wow.. Yesterday was definite a great day for me. Went out eventually to Plaza Singapura so as to past my time & not to think much of things inside my head. Went to watch CJ7. Chinese movie by Stephen Chow. A very good movie to watch as I laugh most of the time. Really a great fan of Stephen Chow because of his comical character in the movie.

After the movie, get dinner with the guys & really have a great meal time. Talking while eating, some say its rude, but I say I don't mind at all because that is when all the good topics just simply to come about. We discuss & talk throughout the whole eating session.

After a hearty mealtime, the ladies decided to do some window shopping. This is the part where at times giving me the creeps because the ladies just love to ask for opinion when they have already made up their mind. Hahahaha..

After all the browsing & looking through the items, Out of sudden my migraine came.. ARGH!! Maintain my composure & self & asked to be excuse for a moment to get a puff. Boy!! Was I relieved!! After my smoking session, I decided to head back home because the pain was too unbearable for me.

Head back home at about 2030hrs. Took the MRT back home & reach back to my crib at about an hour later. Rest & sleep.. Too tired to do anything..

That's all..

Saturday, February 16, 2008
After a while consideration & thinking. Its about time for me to create myself a blog. Friends around me told me that it is good to do this because it acts like a diary ( is it true? just give it a try then ).

Well more things will be coming up sooner or later because I know that I'm going to write up what happen to me & I truly hope that what I have written in my blog here will have nothing to do or associate with anyone. Just what I have in mind to share my thoughts & experience of what I have been facing through all this while.

I hope I give myself a very good start & just hope the readers out there like the posts in which I will post later in time to come.


99 Pure Black Roses

Neuropathic Pains
Anxiety Attacks

To Stand On My Two Own Feet

Adik Ila


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
May 2009


Bawitdaba - Kid Rock
host by: blogger
Designer: wintermin

Please do not remove the credits :)