My Story
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Its been quite a some time that I have updated my blog. Its like a few months gap between my last post. Its all due to my hectic training and my life seems so monotonous. Nothing so special about it. Everyday is the same routine. Training then rest. Then training again on the following day.

There are some good news in which I would like to share.

First, last 7 of May 2009, first time in my wheel bound life, left the comfort zone of my own country. Left to Australia for the Arafura Games 2009. I took part in the field events of course. Upon arrival, quickly went to the Darwin Airport Inn for the week stay. Later in the morning, left to the stadium to see around as well as to do a little bit of our training then off for lunch.

Darwin is indeed a great place. Laid back, slow paced very relaxing place to be. The weather there was so hot & dry. Nothing like what I have experience in my homeland. I cannot even sweat when the day was so hot. Good experience for me to understand other country's weather.

9 May 2009 was the Arafura Games Opening Ceremony. I was so shocked to see the other countries gather at the holding area. For what I have heard, more than 50 nations took part in this game. Another shocker to me. But then, I calm myself down as this game is a mix event of disabled & the abled. The medal tally is all being calculated by point system (I think).

Sunday, 10 May 2009. It was my first event on the international game. Throwing shots. Eventually I did very well for myself there. Did my personal best of 6.63 meters. I truly shocked myself out when I heard the umpire called out the distance. I was smiling all through the night as I did my personal best.

Monday, 11 May 2009. It was discus throw. Something in which not my forte at all. I'm more aced in shots & javelin. Upon arrival to the stadium, I checked for the results of my shots. To my surprise, I got a silver medal! Yes! A silver! I called upon my coach, my mentor & also my buddy, Adam & his brother. They were so happy for me and I was nervously trembling. I just keep on smiling. First medal on my international game. After the medal presentation, I quickly wheeled off for my discus throw. Did 12.58 meters. I was devastated. My personal best in Singapore is 15.28 meters. I was afraid I was a let down to coach & mentor but they cheer me up by telling that I cannot be the best in everything. I gave them a faint smile.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009. Javelin throw. My favourite event of all. I was already prepared mentally for this event. Upon reaching the stadium, I saw my result. I fumbled. 7th placing. I was so pissed off by the result. I just say to myself that not to let my favourite event down. I did 14.58 meters. I was again shocked. I told myself. I fumbled again. Totally demoralised. Upon I saw Adam won a Gold and Silver medals in his 1500 meters and 800 meters. I was telling myself, I need to work very hard once back in Singapore.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009. Went over to the stadium to see the results for my javelin throw. I was thrilled to hear the results. Another silver medal for me. I was so shocked and this was another unexpected result for me. I was so nervous. Coach and the others congratulated me on my second silver medal. Three silver medallist won this event as it is all by point system. Something new in which I have learn.

Thursday, 14 May 2009. Last day stay over at Darwin. Going to miss this wonderful place. Lovely place. Friendly people. Nice weather. Left Darwin at 7pm and reached Singapore at about 10.30pm. Reached home at about 11pm. Have a quick shower and waited for my brother to bring back supper home. Miss the Singapore food. At last, the taste of a true Asian cuisine.

Arafura Games 2009 left me with such beautiful moments. A gateway for me to know what will my pet event will be like. Well.. Its shots. A great experience and exposure for me. I did learn a lot throughout the whole one week stay there especially in designing my new throwing chair and the throwing techniques.

Now that I'm already back in Singapore, I have to train really hard for ASEAN Para Games in KL in August 2009. Three months left for hard training and throwing chair to be fabricated. Another hectic schedule for me. I guess I shall update my blog by end of August then.

Friday, January 16, 2009
So sorry for the late post of my blog.

Seems to be very busy with my training sessions. Five times a week. All for the sake of wanted to be the very best in the team and not wanted to disappoint my mentors and coach.

Its 2009. New year. New resolution. What's next?

Seems the same to me for every year except 2009 is very different from all the past years I've been through. I just want to train hard. Achieve something worthwhile for myself and to get a medal tally and if possible, try to break records. That's the fire in me now. Nothing will bring me down. Just want to train real hard and achieve these goals. I know its going to be a hard one for me, but I shall try my very best to obtain it.

This goals really make up my mind to have less time on the internet. This is the sacrifice that I have to make in order for me to achieve my goals.

Sorry my chatter friends. I guess its better for me to leave rather than stay and wasting my time which I find is unhealthy for me. I have a life now. A life of a disabled sportsman who is so determine to achieve his goals and dreams. If you guys happen to read my blog. I hope you will understand my situation.

This year will be going to be my first SEA Games appearance in my field events. That's why I'm sacrificing myself on all these. I really want to prove to people that I'm capable of doing something which is hard and tedious.

That's all for today.

Training hard for now as my next track and field meet will be in April.

Shall update you guys later on about my meet.

As for now, its all about training hard and try to beat my personal best marks.

Monday, December 8, 2008
November. The most tiring month for me. I have to juggle so many things in my hands and I'm so occupied. Juggled with my training sessions, my brother's wedding transportation preparations and some problems which seems to me have no endings to it.

I was totally stressed out and people don't seems to understand about it. Seems to me, I'm their problem solver. If they want to get anything, just look for me. But hey! Why can't they do that?Are they being stupid or just seeking attention? Even a simple task, they can't execute it. This really getting on my nerves at times. I wish all of these people would wake up in their dreamland and come back to their senses!

Now my aches are coming back to me. Been having these aches ever since first week of November and now, its going to be one month already. Although I have been to the massage therapy for a very good massage, its only for a short while. Now its back hunting me again and I can't even do well during my training sessions.

Stating about training sessions, this month is really a bad month for me. This is because of the raining season. It affects me so much as I can't do much throws and all I can afford to do is to do weights and endurance training. All I can hope for is to see the sun shining for at least a week or two before the training stops for two weeks for the holiday and school reopens season.

6 December 2008. I managed to endure it without any problems at all. No traumatic and depression issues. Its been four years now. Living as a disabled. A truly blessing in disguise.

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Yesterday was the best day of all. Meet up with all my old friends back in my god-mum's place. Was enjoying the wonderful moment as we talk a bit about the past and at the same time,having karaoke sessions. A lot of shocking news I've heard too. My god-parents are going to perform the Haj this December. So happy for them. Shocking and happy at the same time. Another shocking news. A good friend of mine who I know him since in secondary one in 1992, was finally found a partner. Wow! Shocking Wednesday.

But before all of that to happen, I went out much earlier yesterday. Left home at noon. I was so bored at home and went out to celebrate my god-sis birthday. Had a fun afternoon with them all. Really makes my day and I was shocked that one of them have a same birth date as me. That was the FIRST shocker. After spending good times during lunch together, all headed back home and so am I.

Reach home and I saw my third brother in my room meddling with my desktop. To my surprise, he did actually bought my dream hand phone. It was a Sony-Ericsson W980i. I was shocked. My dream hand phone and he got it first. I will get it soon though. Maybe during the Christmas festive season.

So many shocking news I have heard and saw it yesterday.

And today another one just came in. One after another. This shocking news was rather too personal for me too post it here. Once I'm done with it, I shall post it here to share with you guys out there.

I don't know whether I can handle the news on my own as I have already throw away all my bad habits. Bad habits like smoking and overdosing my medications. Now my depression is coming back and today is my training day. I don't know whether I can do well in my training. I have still to find my ace event yet.

Thinking of doing all my bad habits once again. Is it worth it?


Ps: My good friends, if you happen to read this blog, please help me. I don't want to be in my old self back.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
To all Muslims all over the world and all my Muslims friends, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.

Its been a week I've been celebrating the festive season and so far, its been smooth sailing. I've only travel to my aunt's place and that's all. Same old routine every year without fail. So far, didn't encounter my depression as much as before and the best part is that I've been kicking away my smoking habit for two weeks already.

Its been great actually although the cold turkeys I suffered at night and at times I do feel so stuffy within my own self. The best thing is that each time I do my own workout at home, I don't feel so tired like before. To my surprise, I can do even more than what I've expected. I don't want to stress myself too much on my weights training at home as I want to have a better performance during my training.

After the one week break during the Hari Raya celebration, I can feel that I can't do much. No doubt my stamina and endurance are slowly coming back, I can't perform well during my discus throw yesterday. Everything was haywire. I fumble alot and I was so frustrated. Slowly towards the end of my training, then I'm able to pick myself up again. Its was too late already. Guess I'll have a better chance on next week.

Now my training program is going to be four times a week on weekdays and rest on the weekends. Weekends. I hope I can manage through without any problems at all then. Just have to plan myself to keep myself busy on the weekends.

Tomorrow is my training day and been always looking forward to it. I'm really going to work hard for it as I heard its going to be tough for me for the later times to come and I have to prepare for it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Its been about two months I've last updated my blog. Well I'm quite busy actually. Busy with my trainings and I would like to say my thanks to my mentor and coach for their patience and perseverance towards me. Seems that I've been actually improving much. So much that at times during my training sessions, I've beaten my own personal best record.

I've also have done some cross training here and there for the past two months. I've tried sailing, seen and also tried wheelchair basketball, but my passion is athletics. The field events of course.
I just simply love to be in the outdoor. Out there in the sun, perspiring myself out, getting myself tanned each day during training.

For the past three weeks or so, I've been keeping myself updated with the paralympic games in Beijing over the IPC website. Oh man! The disabled athletes doing their own respective field event, really inspiring me. Inspiring me to be in the London 2012 paralympic games. As from now onwards, I'm willing to sacrifice everything just to be the best and make the nation proud of me. My mentor have also been encouraging me and to make myself dedicated to the games I'm in now. He's been reminding me that to be the best, I must sacrifice everything. Then my reward shall come. The medals.

Now I'm truly focused, dedicated and willing to do all out. I just can't wait to have my own personal throwing chair. My mentor also been asking me if I'm willing to get myself a racing chair so as to get myself involve in pentathlon. That is five events. Three throwing events & two racing events. As for the racing events, I think it will be the 800 meters and the 1500 meters if I'm not mistaken. Still have yet to check on that though.

Now that the festive season is just around the corner, I'm so afraid that I cannot cope up with my depression when it strikes on me again. Just simply hate it. I don't know why and don't even bother to ask me about it. I just hope that everything goes well and the festive season sailed through with an ease. Just keep my fingers crossed that I won't do all that nasty stuffs again.

I hope that my coach will give about a few days time grace for the festive season. I'm just too determined and focus right now. I really want to go to the London paralympic games in 2012 but then next year will be the SEA games. A good chance for me to shine and show others what I'm capable of. Before I'm going to the SEA games, I will be leaving to Australia for some invitational games. Can't wait to be there too. Next year will be a lot of games coming out here and there. Just the right time for me to shine.

Monday, July 14, 2008
Ready for my next throw.
Ready to throw again.
Look! Where is my discus?


99 Pure Black Roses

Neuropathic Pains
Anxiety Attacks

To Stand On My Two Own Feet

Adik Ila


February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
May 2009


Bawitdaba - Kid Rock
host by: blogger
Designer: wintermin

Please do not remove the credits :)